Wednesday 29 May 2013

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 00:24
To own a piece of the world wide web you need to start with a domain name. The paramount aspect of selecting your domain name is to check for available domain names that will let your business or blog shine in the crowded internet space.

The Significance of a Good Domain Name

A meaningful and strategically selected domain name is very important. It establishes your presence on the internet. It can help attract visitors to your website.  A good, relevant domain name can point prospective customers to your site when they are internet researching and your business appears under their search terms. An entrepreneur can use their domain name like a piece of promotional material.
A domain name is like your business’ ambassador on the World Wide Web and can convey how you want your business to be perceived by customers.

Check domain name that exhibits the personality or a nature of your business. Your domain name should be simple and straightforward. If it is confusing or off-putting it will not drive the right kind of visitors your site.

Things to Avoid When Selecting A Domain Name

It is not good to have a domain name that sounds like a “me too”. Choose one that does not sound like your competitors. You may inadvertently drive your customers to a competitor’s site.

The domain name should not be irrelevant to the business. It should link to the nature of the business. It should not sound unprofessional.

A domain name is nothing, if not the foundation for your online presence. Getting a good domain name for your business can be tricky as one must consider so many aspects. You can put some of your worries to rest by getting the support of the best domain name registrar with a trusted reputation.

A domain is like an envoy that spreads your message across to the vast population of the internet. Check your desired domain name with care because it is going to help the world understand how your business should be perceived.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 00:11
If you plan to start a website for personal or professional reasons, one of the first things to do is to check domain name to see if it indeed is available for you to register. There are many sites that allow a domain name lookup for free. That helps you in making sure that the name you have come up after hours of brainstorming is indeed available and not registered under someone else’s name.

Domain lookup tools can also help you in getting the job done but they are expensive and can set you back by a few hundred dollars just to set up the software. You may also have to pay for usage every time you check domain name. The efficacy of such software has not been established and there are reports that you get search results which show only cheap and ineffective domain names and not quality ones.
According to successful online entrepreneurs, the best way to check out domains is to use the services of a domain name registrar. Most of them provide a complimentary service and also advice you on various aspects of domain buying and domain price registration. If the domain name you are looking for is unavailable, they can suggest an alternative domain name that’s the closest to one you were looking for.

Have you found the perfect domain for your business but discovered it’s already registered under someone else’s name? Don’t lose hope because you can try contacting the domain owner and offer a price to buy the domain. There is an online record of all domain registrations, so finding and contacting domain owners is not such a challenging task after all.

Cosmotown is one of the most trusted and popular domain name registrars. You can check domain name and find the one that’s perfect for your online identity. Their services come with an exclusive low price guarantee.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Posted by Unknown
5 comments | 03:31

Many users of, a ground-breaking domain registrar based in Silicon Valley, would change the title of this post to ‘a new dawn in domain registration services.’ The refreshingly simple to use, honest and low cost service of the company has made the web-hosting world much more inhabitable. In a nutshell, they’ve done in the domain registration world what Facebook and Twitter did in social networking.

Domain registration made easy

While the rest of the internet went in one direction, the world of web development went in the opposite direction. The good things on the internet became free and easy to use. Domain registration and hosting became a headache for webmasters and e-marketers, which required costly cures. Over time, not only have costs escalated, many registrars charge customers extra fees they are unaware of at the time of registering.
Another worst practice of domain registration is that if you get stuck with a bad registrar, they give you very few escape routes. You will have to pay all their charges, otherwise you run the risk of losing your valuable domain name.

Renewing your domain is expensive. Most domain registrars charge an exorbitant domain renewal price. Transferring your domain to another registrar is an even murkier topic. Did you know you need your registrar’s authorization to transfer to a different service? Some registrars will actually flat out deny your transfer request, for vague or incorrect reasons. And, there’s very little you can do about it.

Cosmotown changes all that. Not only do they offer the lowest cost domain registration services, they have unbelievably good service too.

User friendly services

First, they don’t have any hidden charges. What you pay at the beginning is the only thing you need to pay until the expiration of service. And, many features that registrars charge for, Cosmotown offers for free. Second, if you remain with the company for a longer time, which you doubtless will do, their price per year actually goes down. That means you get twin benefits: low initial costs and lower maintenance costs. Third, their site extremely easy to use. From purchasing, to changing your settings, even transferring your domain. They are dedicated to making the process as simple and painless for the user as possible.

Some things need to be experienced; you can’t see just how distinct their services are by reading a blog. Have a look at Read the stuff there. If you are familiar with domain registration services, you will instantly recognize the difference.