Saturday 2 March 2013

Posted by Unknown
1 comment | 03:34
Starting a website involves a lot of concerns and initial set up processes that need to be taken care of. Among all these, one important thing to do is to purchase a domain name.

What is a Domain Name?

The domain name is the name of the website that is visible in the address bar at the top of a browser page.

In order to acquire a domain name one has to purchase it from a domain registrar, and later on, pay a nominal domain renewal price to keep it. To ensure your website runs smoothly, don’t let your domain name expire. Someone may take that opportunity to register it. That will create a lot of confusion for your customers.

Tips for Creating a Domain Name

The domain name may or may not be the name of your website, yet it is an integral part of it. This makes it important for you to create a domain name that it easy to remember while being attractive at the same time.  Also, before you settle on naming you website, check to see if the same domain name is available.  If not, you may want to reconsider your website name.
  • Keep it simple: It always safe to keep the name of your domain as simple as possible, preferably the same name as your website.  Having words that are big, complicated, difficult to spell, and pronounce get lost in the crowd of other websites.
  • Keep it original: Creating names similar to existing ones is considered bad taste. It appears likeyour website is fake or a copy. Originality is always appreciated.
  • Keep multiple options: To prevent others from creating similar domains to yours and confusing your customers, register multiple variations of your domain. You can have those redirected to your own site.  For example,  if you’re an ecommerce site, register not only, but  If you register a .com, be sure to register the .net and other popular extensions. Otherwise, someone may register not only a similar domain name, but the exact same one, with just a different extension.  Yours may be and theirs
  • Keep it quick: Domain names are being snatched up at a fast rate. As soon as you decide on your domain name go ahead and register it. A little delay may cause you to lose it to someone else.  If you’re having trouble deciding, register the multiple options you’re mulling over.  Look for a domain registrar that will give you package deals.

Bearing in mind these few basic tips go ahead and create a domain name.  When ready with the finalized name don’t delay in making a domain name purchase as it’s always good to be a notch ahead rather than behind.